Managing Seizures in School - Implementation Toolkit
Implementation Checklist: This checklist is a tool that schools/districts could use to help them organize and implement a seizure action plan when they receive notification from the parent or guardian that the student has a seizure disorder and will require rescue medication.
Seizure Action Plans
Schools can choose to use one of these Seizure Action Plans, develop their own plan or utilize a Seizure Action Plan provided by the student's health care provider. A best practice seizure action plan is a full spectrum plan, which is filled out by a student's health care provider. This plan provides information about the student's seizures, including what the seizures look like, triggers, first aid, and who to contact.
- Epilepsy Foundation Seizure Action Plans
- Minnesota Epilepsy Foundation: Seizure Smart Schools
- Seizure Action Plan Coalition Samples in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese.
- Epilepsy Foundation Seizure Forms
Seizure Training
If your school already does or has training, you can continue to use those resources. Below are some examples of training resources for school nurses and school personnel that are available to your school.
- Epilepsy Foundation: Schools and Seizure Preparedness
- Seizure Training for School Personnel (on Demand) 2021
- Epilepsy Foundation of MN Support and Training
Resources for Seizure First Aid
- Epilepsy Foundation: Seizure First Aid
- Epilepsy Foundation: First Aid of Seizures-Stay, Safe, Side
- Epilepsy Foundation: Rescue Therapies for Epilepsy
- CDC: Seizure First Aid
- Tips for Seizure Observation and Recording
The Training Validation Tool can be used to document the training of the identified person/s who will respond and administer medication to the student. This tool can be modified to meet individual school needs. A best practice recommendation would be to provide training annually, at a minimum; whenever there is a change in the individual's student's action plan; and when a new school member is identified to respond to the student's seizure activity and/or to administer emergency medication. Since responding to seizure activity can be infrequent, schools are encouraged to establish a mid-school year review to help staff in their response readiness.
Seizure Resources for School Nurses document is not an exhaustive list; however, represents reputable resources for a School Nurse to utilize in his/her/their practice. These resources may be used in care planning for students, to strengthen competency for a nurse, or may be used to train other people performing these cares.