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Duplicate Participants Overview
Who can resolve duplicate participants in WINNIE?
Staff with WINNIE Role 10 (Agency Administration). If staff have this role, Potential Duplicate Participants displays under the Clinic Actions menu on the sidebar.
How do you resolve duplicate participant records in WINNIE?
Review the Potential Duplicate Participants modules on the WINNIE Training page or use the Potential Duplicate Participants - Quick reference (PDF).
What information is compared when resolving duplicate participants?
A list of potential duplicates is generated during End-of-Day based on two records having the same date of birth and gender and the same first three letters of their first and last names.
When comparing duplicate records in WINNIE, it also provides a comparison of middle initial, physical address, city, state, zip code, telephone 1 and 2, race, ethnicity, maiden first, middle initial, and last name, last certification date, last Last Date to Use, agency, clinic, and household ID.
Information that is the same has a Yes in the Match column and is highlighted in yellow.
How often should duplicate records be resolved?
Best practice is to run the State Defined Comparison at least weekly or bi-weekly.
Do both agencies have to resolve the duplicate participant records if the participants belong to more than one agency?
Both agencies will see the same duplicate records but only one agency has to resolve them. Once resolved, they will no longer display in the Results grid when using the State Defined Comparison search.
Should "Duplicate" or "Do Not Use" be added to the front or last names if one of the records is known to be a duplicate?
This is unnecessary. Immediately let your agency admin staff person know when a duplicate record is created or found. Provide them with both State WIC IDs. The Agency Admin can use the State WIC ID search to compare the two records and indicate which record should be kept.
What happens when a participant record is resolved as a duplicate?
Once a record is deemed a duplicate:
- The system automatically terminates the certification (if current) and assigns the participant to Agency 88.
- If you search for the duplicate participant, "Duplicate Participant" displays on their card on the Participant Search page.
- If you try to open the duplicate's folder, a message displays informing you of the State WIC ID for whom this is a duplicate (the State WIC ID that was kept when resolving the duplicates) and the folder will not open.
- You can view a read-only version of the duplicate's participant folder by opening the folder of the State WIC ID that was kept and clicking the View button in the Duplicate Participants section at the bottom of the Demographics page.
Can a duplicate resolution be undone?
Yes. Review the Potential Duplicate Participants modules (Table of Contents: Undo Resolution) for information about how to undo a duplicate resolution.