Advisory Inspections
Advisory Inspections
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has instituted an advisory inspection process for certain facility-based programs. Advisory inspections are voluntary and must be requested by a facility representative. To request an advisory inspection, the facility representative must complete and submit an MDH request form, which will be available on this site mid-July, 2012. MDH staff will contact the facility representative to provide an estimated cost for the inspection, fee payment information and to schedule the advisory inspection. Please be advised that completion of an advisory inspection does NOT guarantee passage of a compliance inspection.
The purpose of an advisory inspection is to help identify areas which are either in noncompliance or are in need of improvement or further assistance. All advisory inspections are conducted onsite by staff from the specific MDH program responsible for the regulation of the facility and include a complete review of the facility’s regulatory compliance. MDH staff will orally summarize findings at the conclusion of the advisory inspection. The facility representative will receive a detailed written summary of findings with recommendations for best practices . Please note that technical assistance may still be available by telephone.
Not all requests for advisory inspections will be granted. A request may be denied if any one of the following conditions are present:
- The facility is not regulated by MDH
- MDH has received another request for an advisory inspection within the calendar year
- The facility was the subject of a compliance inspection within the previous 12 months and there are pending issues
- The facility is scheduled for a compliance inspection within 90 days of the request for an advisory inspection
- The facility has been notified of a pending compliance inspection scheduled to occur within 45 days of the request
- MDH has no staff and/or other necessary resources available to either prepare for or conduct the advisory inspection
- The facility is excluded from the advisory inspection process pursuant to Minnesota session law 15.985, section 1(g)